Tuesday, May 29, 2012

but then again..

Sometimes i do wish to rant or express my views and perspective on those social networking sites. 

Knowing that the after effects of flooding 'likes' and 'concerned' friend asking about you and the content of your statuses, makes me want to just run away from the virtual world that everyone is currently living in.

but then again, i really have too much to say. It is just too much and i do not know where to begin. 

Since only less than a handful people know about the existence of this site

Maybe i should do it here......

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Doggie (yes, that's the name of my dog. I do not have much sense of creativity when it comes to giving names. Let's just hope in the future I do not simply name my child. Lol) had a haircut and well it turned out to be alright?

I hope I am doing a good job as her master and be sure to comb her hair as frequent as possible! Otherwise I have to waste my money sending her to the groomer.

I am typing this on my bed right now. Got to get up real soon. It's going to be one hell of a hectic day today!

And for the rest of you, Have a great day ahead!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Back to Basics.

Hello all,

I have return once again. i

I hope that I'll be able to stay on this blog long enough.

Till then.